Micropatterning of Vertically aligned Carbon Nanotubes Array (2013-2019)

Multiwalled CNT array, also known as VACNTs/CNT forest, exhibits remarkable optical reflection when bent and flattened in bulk. This exceptional reflection from the patterned CNT surface could help to develop flexible micromirrors array. Our research investigated the mechanical bending process of the CNT forest and various optical properties of the flattened CNT surface. We found that a controlled rolling process could create an aligned and highly smooth CNT surface and exhibits anisotropic optical reflection that can be exploited to develop an angular sensor. 

Funding Agency

Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE)  

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI)

Findings (Graphical Abstract)

Micromechanical Bending (M2R) Process

Description of the M2B process
Attained surface roughness on the M2Bed CNT surface
Feasibility of the M2B process to create various microstructures on the bulk VACNTs array (CNT forest)

Micromechanical Rolling (M2R) Process